
We are constantly improving our platform. In addition to the ongoing development of the existing platform, addressing bugs and implementing customer requests, we have our own non-binding product roadmap in which we publish the milestones for the coming months.

November 2022 - Product Launch

The initial version 1.0 of utalic will be released

January 2023 - TestPilot, WebSockets, SideBar, Speech

TestPilot app for simulating your app on a real smartphone without deployment to the app stores

WebSocket components for event driven, asynchronous and live communication.

SideBar and Navigation Menu components

Components for Text to Speech and Voice Recognition

February 2023 - Social Media, Plugin Manager

Non visual components to connect to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.

Plugin Manager for integrating third party plugins

March 2023 - Payment Components, Authentication Modules

Components to connect to payment providers like Stripe, PayPal and Sepa

Predefined Authentication Components for creating OAuth 2.0 based authentication provider.

Q2 2023 - Business Objects

Business Objects for connecting to common interfaces like EDIFACT, ZUGfERD, Datev, GAEB, Datanorm

Q3 2023 - Application Pool

Pool of Ready-To-Use applications that can be loaded into utalic.